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iZito searches through a much larger part of information available on the Internet than other individual search engines. The simple layout of the search results makes it even easier and faster to find the information you're looking for and you aren't distracted by unnecessary advertisements while performing your search. Read more here about the power of iZito.


1. iZito looks farther afield than any other search engine.

More than 50 billion web pages: According to the most recent estimates this is the size of the Internet. Unfortunately, it is not possible for any single search engine to cover the entire Internet. Google displays approximately 8.1 billion web pages, Live Search covers 5 billion, Yahoo and Ask both cover approximately 3.5 billion and Wisenut covers nearly one billion web pages. iZito is a metasearch engine, which means that it deploys various search engines simultaneously. This method of searching yields a far greater volume of information available on the Internet than does the use of a single search engine.
It is not possible for a single search engine to cover the entire Internet. iZito searches a far greater field of information on the Internet than any individual search engine can.

Izito About-1Izito About-1


 Each individual search engine only searches through a fraction of the total volume of information available on the Internet. In other words, in order to cover the greatest possible part of available information on the Internet, and find the information you are looking for, you would have to use several different search engines. This is not necessary when you're using iZito, as it searches several search engines simultaneously in a single search.

To find all the information you are looking for, you would have to use several search engines. With iZito you can search through several search engine with one search command.

Izito About-2Izito About-2

 2. iZito reads and clusters the results

The iZito search system generates the most optimal search results by combining and filtering the search results of other search engines. This system thereby helps to reduce the likelihood of undesired search results being shown.

Izito About-3Izito About-3
[1].  izito网站   http://www.izito.co.uk



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