西门子股份公司(SIEMENS AG FWB:SIE, NYSE:SI)是世界最大西门子公司总部的机电类公司之一,1847年由维尔纳·冯·西门子建立。如今,它的国际总部位于德国慕尼黑。西门子股份公司是在法兰克福证券交易所和纽约证券交易所上市的公司。2005年,西门子全集团在190个国家和地区雇用员工460,800人,全球收入为754.45亿欧元(2004年为702.37亿欧元),税后利润较2004年的36.6亿欧元降至24.2亿欧元
You are welcome to register on the Siemens Supplier Portal: https://supplier-portal.siemens.com. In order to do business with Siemens, suppliers need to register, complete a profile and accept Siemens sustainability criteria. All Siemens buyers have been asked to only maintain business relationships with suppliers who are registered. By registering, you guarantee that you can reinforce your existing relationship with Siemens or lay the foundations for a successful cooperation if you are a new supplier.
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