home depot即美国家得宝公司。为全球领先的家居建材用品零售商,美国第二大零售商,家得宝遍布美国、加拿大、墨西哥和中国等地区,连锁商店数量达2234家。家得宝连续9年被美国《财富》杂志评为“最受欢迎的专业零售商”。并在2007年美国财富500强中排名第17位,2006年全球财富500强排名第43位,同年被美国《财富》杂志评为“最受仰慕的专业零售商”第1位及“最受仰慕的公司”第13位。从1978年亚特兰大的第一家店到今天足迹遍布全球。在美国49个州拥有1200多家店铺,海外有133
家得宝 家。HomeDepot于1978年创立,全球最大的建材家居零售企业美国“家居货栈”,是排在沃尔玛、家乐福之后的全球第三大零售集团。它遍布全美1800p多家连锁店、2004年750多亿美元左右的销售额。目前“家得宝”在国内共有50多名工作人员,主要任务是在中国采购家居建材用品,并从事该行业的市场调查工作。这些工作是否为“家居货栈”全面进入中国并开设连锁店做准备公司业绩:1999年营业收入38,434.0百万美元.
Certification Requirements
1.You must be a U.S. Citizenship or have U.S. Resident Alien Status and your business must be 51% owned, managed and controlled by either a woman or women, or
2.You must be a U.S. Citizenship or have U.S. Resident Alien Status and your business must be 51% owned, managed and controlled by a minority or minorities from one of the following groups:
African American - Origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa
Asian American - Origins from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, Samoa, Guam, the U.S. Trust Territories of the Pacific or the Northern Marinaras
Hispanic American - Origins from Mexico, Central America, South America, the Caribbean Basin or any of the Spanish-speaking areas of Latin America
Native American - American Indian, Eskimo, Aleut or Native Hawaiian.
3.You must have a valid third party certification from the Women's Business Enterprise National Council(Go to www.wbenc.org ), the National Minority Supplier Development Council (certification from a regional council is valid)(Go to www.nmsdcus.org), or you must prove you can represent yourself as a small business against applicable small business size standards as defined by the Small Business Administration. (Go to www.sba.gov)
4.Your business also qualifies if it is identified as a government targeted diverse business (Certified 8(a) Firms, Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns, Women-Owned Business Concerns, Hubzone Small Business Concerns, Veteran-Owned Small Business Concerns, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Concerns, and Small Businesses).
Supplier Diversity Selection Process
1.Complete and submit the online application. Please, do not fax or mail the application to our Store Support Center, as this will cause unnecessary delay in reviewing your Supplier Diversity application.
2.Within 72 hours of submission, your information will be forwarded to the appropriate Buyer for consideration as a potential partner.
3.Within 60 days, the buyer will provide a response regarding his/her level of interest in your product or service offering.
Note: You will receive responses for each area to which you apply as they are all typically assigned to different buyers. If an opportunity exists, the Supplier Diversity Department will request more specific information about your business.
4.The Buyer will then make a final decision from the list of all available suppliers.
Note: You may check the site with The Home Depot login/password provided to follow the status of your application.
What We Purchase?
The Home Depot is the world’s largest home improvement retailer that offers an unparalleled selection of products and services under one roof. An average Home Depot store is approximately 105,000 square feet and stocks up to 40,000 different kinds of products. We also purchase items not for resale (i.e. products used in our facilities) and home services (installation). Below is a list of the products and services that we purchase for both resale (merchandise) and non-resale (expense).
Resale - Merchandise (Products sold in the stores, catalogs, etc.) | Resale - Services (Services sold in stores, catalogs, etc.) | Non-resale - Expense (Products and services used in our facilities) |
| Installation