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ASDA是指英国的阿斯达公司,1949年成立,1999年被沃尔玛收购。 其他英国大超市:TESCO沃尔玛(wal-mart)、WM Morrisons










ASDA are a responsible retailer, we would never condone any illegal practices or things our customers would disapprove of.  It’s important that you understand what we mean by a Responsible, Effective Supply Base. We want to ensure that all the products we sell are as healthy as possible, created in as sustainable a way as possible, in a supply chain which meets our ethical standards….whilst still maintaining our focus on great value to the customer!

This means we have some basic standards outlined on this site which we need you to understand. If your interest is in supplying ASDA as a Direct Import supplier (that is, selling to us in the country you produce in, rather than in the UK) you need to contact our Global Procurement team. Their contact details are below.

If you are interested in supplying George clothing, please contact them directly on the link below.

Contact info

Global Sourcing
Jack Curran

Food and Home & Leisure

Food and Home & Leisure

Our buyers select the items our customers want – if you want to sell through ASDA, there are some basics you’ll need!

All suppliers are expected to comply with ASDA’s Terms and Conditions of Trade.  A copy of these will be given to you when you are listed as a supplier.

To be considered as a supplier, it’s best to find out who buys the area your products would fit into in store – consider what the USP of your items are, or why we would want to replace a current range with your products. You can work out who buys your area by calling the ASDA House switchboard on the number below.

We need to ensure all the items we sell are safe and secure and will not endanger our customers. If you are selling UK branded items then certain elements of this we expect to be managed by you – if you are using a brand owned by ASDA (Own Label or Private Label business) then our technical team become more involved. Please see the table below for details of how this works on Home & Leisure.

Item TypeO/L Domestic or Direct ImportBranded Direct Import – High RecognitionBranded Direct Import – Low RecognitionDomestic Branded

ASDA or Wal*Mart owned brand Via GP inc exclusivesTertiary Brands inc. Exclusives
Factory AuditYesYesYesNo
Product AppraisalYesNoYesNo
Product TestingYesYesYesNo
Pack CopyYesNo ReviewNo
Product SpecificationsYesNoYesNo
Sealed SamplesYesNoYesNo
RationaleConcern for quality, image and hierarchyLegal, safety and due diligenceViewed as ASDA rather than brandedProvide support on issues where needed

All Own Label Food suppliers must have a BRC Audit Grade A, B or C pass for all factories/final pack sites.  This ensures the safety of our customers.

To trade with ASDA on Own Label, you will need to use our product management system – further details will be provided if you are successful in becoming a supplier.

EDI is another essential for ASDA suppliers – if you have not got an EDI link please contact our accounts team to discuss how we can help you with this.

Home & Leisure items must comply with all UK and EU safety requirements and testing. In addition, ASDA Own Label products must go through further checks and testing as defined by our technical team.

ASDA reserves the right to audit any production facility of own label products either announced or unannounced at any time.

Indirect Sourcing 1

Indirect Sourcing 1

What is Indirect Sourcing in ASDA?

Indirect Sourcing brings together the purchase of all goods and services that are not for re-sale, in other words anything that we don't sell to customers in our shops. We spend a massive £1.7bn a year in this area, across more than 10,000 products and 3,500 suppliers. In itself - this is a business bigger than many UK PLCs. Indirect Sourcing effectively brings together the three teams in ASDA House who buy for these areas.

The three teams are as follows:

Central Buying

This team is commercially responsible for buying all goods and services for ASDA House, stores and depots. This includes store consumables, marketing, HR, waste management, loss prevention and depot spend. As a supplier of goods or services into these areas, you are likely to have a primary contact who does not sit in Central Buying, e.g. if you are a marketing supplier, your primary contact will be in the marketing team. The Central Buying team work with each of the teams in ASDA House, stores and depots, and are responsible for ensuring that the specification, price negotiated and contract where appropriate are commercially sound and represent the best deal for ASDA and our customers.


The buying and contracting for all equipment and services associated with our information systems are managed by the ISD team.

Retail Development

This is the team that looks after major capital expenditure - store build, extensions and remodel, ASDA House works, the store maintenance and cleaning contract with City FM, and fixturisation and fit out of store equipment.

There is a web page for each team to give you further detail on how each team operates and key contacts.

Our Mission, Purpose and Values

Our Mission is:

"To provide best value to our internal customers - always!"

What do we mean by best value?
Right specification at the right price

Who are our internal customers?
These are the teams in ASDA House for whom the Indirect Sourcing teams provide commercial and negotiation expertise and support.

Ultimately, in providing best value for our internal customers, we - most importantly - provide best value to all of our customers in our shops by reducing our cost base and making our supply chains more effective, which in turn allows us to meet our corporate mission:

"To be Britain's best value retailer exceeding customers' needs .... Always"

And our purpose?
"To make goods and services more affordable and accessible for everyone"
As a supplier to ASDA, you have a critical role to play in this, and the Indirect Sourcing team will work with you constantly to ensure that everything you do works towards the achievement of this mission.

"Being First For Customers"
Everything we do at ASDA is focused on putting our customers first. If the customer does not benefit from an action, we will not do it. The role that the Indirect Sourcing team play in making sure that we are first for customers is described by the "Agenda for Indirect Sourcing":

Agenda for Indirect Sourcing

If you are working on something that does not fit in this framework, you are working on the wrong things. Have a chat with your buyer to help you understand how you can build a business plan around the Agenda for Indirect Sourcing

Being World Class

ASDA is a business which aspires to be world class and Indirect Sourcing is no exception. Having the most efficient and effective supply chains - both externally and internally - and keeping a keen eye on the future are critically important to the work that we do. We have built a vision to be world class, and will be challenging ourselves - and you - to ensure that everything we do works towards the achievement of this vision:

Our Vision to be World Class:

  • We are the nation’s favourite shop
  • We are a sustainable growth business
  • We are a customer led, local and responsible retailer
  • We save every penny we can to help reduce the cost of living for our customers through delivering low prices permanently
  • We are a supermarket with an environmentally responsible and sustainable sourcing model
  • We believe that “less is more”
  • We will passionately work to one best way
  • We strive for open, honest, responsible and effective relationships with our suppliers

Ethical Sourcing - Supplier Standards

ASDA Sourcing标准和ASDA供应商手册 见福步外贸百科参考资料,官方资料,欢迎下载。
[1].  ASDA采购网站   http://www.asdasupplier.com
[2].  ASDA Sourcing标准   http://www.asdasupplier.com/public/uploads/module_files/204/4f4cf48d1bea0Ethical_Sourcing_Supplier_Standards.pdf
[3].  ASDA供应商手册   http://www.asdasupplier.com/public/uploads/module_files/396/4f4cf4ab5d3aeEthical_Sourcing_Supplier_Manual.pdf



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