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Zycon is a rapidly growing online industrial directory, engineering resource, and vertical search engine that directly targets buyers and sellers in the industrial, manufacturing, contract manufacturing and distribution sectors worldwide. Zycon specifically offers a user-focused web site design, reducing the navigational steps required to find the products, companies, distributors and services worldwide that directly meet your needs.

Both paid and free listings are offered, with payment plans available on an annual basis or pay-per-click (PPC) basis. With one of our premium programs, advertisers are able to fully represent their entire product line with color photographs, full product descriptions, company news, and product announcements. The tightly focused product and company information available on Zycon's site makes product searches more time efficient and effective.

The overall breadth and depth of our information continually draws buyers and sellers to our site. This fact is supported by our website monitoring technology, which shows that over 40% of our visitors are regular users of Zycon's Industrial Directory. To see what corporations and organizations use Zycon, we provide a list of last week's top 1000 visitors.

In addition to the standard company listings, Zycon also provides a blog primarily focused on manufacturing and environmental issues, as well as technological advances in industry.

Furthermore, during our marketing research, we have determined that there does not appear to be a convenient way to post used machinery and equipment for free and in a manner that allows the ad to greatly appeal to potential buyers. Zycon has created a separate directory specifically for used machines, equipment, and accessories. The Directory is free of charge and ads can be easily inserted into multiple categories and have multiple photographs for the best exposure and user experience. Also, RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds are available for every category.

Zycon works as your Internet-based marketing partner, providing clients with electronic tracking technology to monitor, measure and track the overall performance of any online advertising program and deliver the best ROI. At Zycon, our only interest is in raising your company's awareness in the industry and helping to significantly grow your company's RFQ's, qualified leads, and translating them into increased sales. Requests for Quotes is how we measure success for our clients. Our advertising rates are the most competitive in the industry.

[1].  zycon网站   http://www.zycon.com


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