新加坡公共事业局为新加坡的国家水务管理机构,负责处理全国食水供应, 用后水处理及排水管理等一切营运事宜。 它隶属新加坡环境及水源部的法定机构,并于2006 年度全球水务奖的颁奖礼上, 荣获该年度的水务署大奖。
关于公用事业局之宣传标语:“全民水源: 节省﹑珍惜﹑享用”
公用事业局力求通过国家四大水喉 (即当地集水﹑进口用水﹑新生水及海水淡化), 确保新加坡水源的多元化及具持续性。
为了确保全民有水可用,公用事业局呼吁全体新加坡人各尽其责节约用水, 保持集水区和通水道的干净,并建立与水的感情与责任感,善用与享用我们的水源。 这样, 国家方能确保拥有足够的水源以满足现在与未来人们日常生活及工商业所需。
英文简介:PUB Singapore is the national water agency responsible for Singapore’s water supply, water catchment and sewerage. It manages the whole water cycle, from sourcing to the collection, purification and supply of drinking water, to the treatment of used water and its reclamation into NEWater, as well as the drainage of stormwater.
PUB Singapore has ensured a diversified and sustainable water supply for Singapore through the Four National Taps strategy. This comprises water from local catchments, imported water, reclaimed water (NEWater) and desalination.
PUB was awarded the Stockholm Industry Water Award, a recognition of our success in turning our water challenges into a strategic asset.
WaterHub is the focal point for water technology development, learning and networking for the water industries, both locally and internationally. Collaborating with its partners from the Singapore Water Association, academic institutions and other related governmental agencies, WaterHub offers a range of structured as well as customised water and wastewater management training programmes to help raise the professionalism of the local water industry's workforce. Through synergistic training and development programmes, seminars, symposiums, exhibitions and tie-ups on the local and international fronts, the WaterHub concept promises a dynamic learning experience for all.