美国认证协会(American Certification Institute)是由美国哈佛大学、德州大学、耶鲁大学、加洲大学、杜克大学、森坦那瑞商学院等美国数十个著名院校的专家教授共同组成的学术认证委员会,在全球范围内从事国际职业资格认证的专业机构,长期致力于专家级高水平认证、考试服务,得到美国政府的合法注册,所有课程均获得了美国教育部的认可,总部设在美国加利福尼亚州,在全球各地教育培训中心的教学活动均符合美国联邦政府教育部和各州法律规定的要求。
美国认证协会(ACI)联合了美国人力资源协会 (AHRI) 、美国市场学会(AMA)、美国教会商业管理学会(NACHA),美国采购协会 (APS) 、美国商务谈判协会(ICAAM)、国际进出口协会 (IIEI) 、国际商业美术设师协会 (ICAD)、、美国加洲大学、美国森坦那瑞商学院、杜克大学、哈佛大学、耶鲁大学等行业协会与著名院校面向全球推出的专业认证考试,得到了WTO成员国的广泛认可,具有很高的国际权威性。
ACI认证代表了当今职业资格认证的国际水平,客观地评价从事相关行业人员的专家级的知识和能力水平,取得认证对个人有四大益处:一是培养能力:即通过严格学习,培养相关职业的实际能力,代表该领域内得到专业水准;二是有利出国:ACI认证资格得到WTO成员国的政府、教育部门及各大公司的认可;三是有利就业:ACI认证培训,一切注重实战性与实用性,引导当今培训新潮流,符合全球经济一体化化对人才的需求,取得认证,终身有效,可以在各类公司及政府部门谋职,有利于您在各行业脱颖而出。同时ACI为所有通过认证者备案,利用广泛的渠道,加强交流与合作,选拔优秀者。四 扩大人脉圈:ACI整合了各个行业的精英分子,构建了巨大的平台,促进交流与合作,以应对全球经济一体化的挑战。
Brief Introduction of ACI
ACI, The American Certification Institute, is a Premier Professional Certification Institute well – known in the United States and the world. It was founded in the USA in 1999. Its Corporate Headquarters is in Los Angeles, California.
ACI is dedicated to helping train The Leaders Of Tomorrow for Personal Professional Certification
ACI provides Training, Testing, and Certification Issuance for a number of important Business – Related Programs, and does training for Certifications issued by The Global Negotiation Institute and other Professional Institutes in the US.
The Competitive Advantage
ACI provides Training, Testing, and Certification Issuance for a number of important programs, most of which are shown on the front page. For a complete listing, contact us!
ACI is an active partner of The Global Negotiation Institute. The Global Negotiation Institute (GNI) co – sponsors a number of Certifications, including the “Certified Basic English Communicator” (CBEC), “Certified Business English Practitioner” (CBEP), “Certified International Business English Professional” (CIBEP) and “Certified International Business Negotiation Expert” (CIBNE), among others.
ACI has an exclusive license from the American Purchasing Society (APS) to offer its Certified Purchasing Professional (CPP) and Certified Professional Purchasing Manager (CPPM) Certification Programs in China and several other countries in Asia.
ACI Instructors generally hold doctorates, most from prestigious American and foreign universities. ACIInstructors are Management Practitioners as well as Academicians and they have experience teaching Chinese students and know their learning styles.
ACI Textbooks are the very latest English available and ACI Lectures use the latest PowerPoint available.