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Bank National Clearing Code 分享到腾讯微博

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Bank National Clearing Code

An increasing number of countries now require payments to include the National Clearing Code of the Beneficiary Bank.

National Clearing Codes, also known as Sort code, Fedwire Routing Number or BSB are in general terms the bank and branch number details. The inclusion of this information enables prompt processing to the beneficiary's bank.

There is no specific field for this code. We ask that when available, you enter the code in the Beneficiary Bank's name field and insert the bank name and address details in the remaining fields.

Commonly used National Clearing Codes are:

Country Format Definition of data

Australia //AU 6 numbers Bank & Branch number (BSB)

United Kingdom //SC 6 numbers Bank & Branch number (Sort Code)

United States //FW 9 numbers Fedwire routing number (ABA)

South Africa //ZA 6 numbers Bank & Branch number.

(Only required when sending South African Rand)

Examples of these in input form:

Name //SC603006 //AU032190

Street National Westminster Bank Plc Westpac Banking Corporation

City Bloomsbury Paris Branch 32 The Corso

Country 214 High Holburn London UK Manly, Sydney, Australia

Name //FW081000032

Street Bank of America

City Kansas City

Country Missouri, USA

与NCC(National Clearing Code) 相关的常用术语:

 BIC ----- Bank Identification Code

IBAN ---- International Bank Account Number

BSC ---- Bank Sort Code

很显然,中国的银行目前尚未加入提供NCC业务的国际机构,所以,只能用SWFIT 了。


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