URN ( Uniform Registration Number , Uniform Registry Number ) 可以解释为统一注册号。在要求注册的国家,统一注册号(URN)必须要印刷在法律标(Law Label)上。在有法律标要求的31个国家中,16个国家要求注册法律标并授予URN。
The Uniform Registry Number System exists for the benefit of manufacturers that ship to or sell products in the United States. This allows a single state-issued registration number to be listed on the law label. Utah has formally adopted this system and requires a state registry number on law labels.
Your factory is located in South Carolina, which does not require registration. You have not yet received a state registry number from another state. You wish to ship products into Utah, which does require registration. Submit a license application form to Utah, pay the annual license fee, and request they issue a state uniform registry number. You will then be assigned a number from Utah, such as: UT 12345 (SC).
The first two letters represent that state which issued the number. The suffix in parentheses represents the state (or country) of actual manufacture when it is different from the state that issued the registry number, i.e. two letter abbreviation for South Carolina (SC).
This registration number must be printed in the appropriate space on law labels, which must be securely affixed to your products in a location easily visible for examination before they are shipped to Utah.
You should use the Utah registry number on law labels for all regulated products manufactured in your South Carolina plant. Contact the remaining states or U.S. jurisdictions where your products will be shipped or sold and ask whether they have a labeling law and require registration for your product. Ask to be licensed using your existing state registry number.
If you are a manufacturer and do not ship directly into a state, but instead ship to an importer or distributor that ships to many states, your product will still need to be licensed in states with licensing or registration requirements. Both the manufacturer and importer may be required to license in some states. Some states require that a sample of your product be submitted at the time of registration.
Multiple Production Facilities
If you own multiple production facilities you must apply for a license/register for each manufacturing location. For example, if your company headquarters is in New York and you have manufacturing plants in Ohio, Texas and California you need three licenses, one for each plant.
If you import products into the United States you must apply for an importer registration in states/jurisdictions that require such registration.
You will be assigned a state registry number with a two-letter suffix to indicate the country of manufacture. We use the ISO 3166 Country and Territory codes for foreign manufacturing locations except that we use (CD) for Canada to distinguish it from California which also uses (CA).