隶属于智利零售龙头Falabella集团旗下的Sodimac S.A.,系南美建材与家用品等DIY产品之主要连锁店业者,目前年营业额已达9亿美元,其中约五成营收来自于智利首府圣地亚哥、Concepcion、Viña del Mar及La Serena等主要城市内之连锁店面。
依其销售方式,可将Sodimac概分为三种店面型态,即(1)Homecenter(见图1):此一店面以女性为主要客户群,因此,亦贩卖部份流行性产品。整体而言,Homecenter约占Sodimac 33%的营业额。(2)Constructor(见图2):定位以专业建筑师及建商为主要客户群,此类型店面亦店Sodimac 三分之一的营业额。(3)批发(Wholesale):索定以建筑公司为主要批发对象。
据Sodimac进口部经理指出,只要数量够大,Sodimac即会自行进货。惟要成为其供货商,我国厂商首先必须先成为Wal-Mart、Home Depot、Ikea及B&Q等其他国际大型DIY连锁店之供货商,为其决选供货商之主要要件。
Sodimac Chile (www.sodimac.cl), a private foreign company with more than 50 years’ history, is the biggest home improvement retailer in Latin America. We have a total of more than 70 stores across Chile, Colombia and Peru. In the first quarter of next year we will start business in Argentina. With a staff of more than 16,000 people, our annual sales last year was around 1.6 Billion USD, of which 20% was generated by importing goods from overseas, and 60% was from CHINA.Moreover, as a subsidiary of a big holding group - Falabella, Sodimac is the single biggest business of this holding group. What businesses does it have? It includes Sodimac as Home-improvement store & building material wholesaler, Falabella as Department Stores, Banks, Financial Company, Flight Center, Drug Stores…etc. We even have our own credit card, which won over the market share of Mastercard and Visa in Chile.